The Wedding of

Michelle & Andrew

15 . 10 . 2021

“So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together,
let man not separate”
(Matthew 19:6)

Bride & Groom


Michelle Flavin C. Gultom
Putri pertama dari
Bapak J. Bernard Gultom & Ibu Rosmerry E. Napitu


Andrew S.S. Sianipar
Putra pertama dari
Bapak Mangapul Sianipar & Ibu Theodora Sinabariba

Save The Date

“When you realise you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want to the rest of your life to start as soon as possible”

Thus we have formally set the rest of our life with details below :

Membuat Button Voice by

Holy Matrimony

15 OCTOBER 2021
08.30-09.30 AM

Gereja St. Aloysius Gonzaga

Cijantung – Jakarta Timur









Batak Toba
Wedding Ceremony

15 OCTOBER 2021
11.00 AM – End

Gedung Graha Ceger

Cipayung– Jakarta Timur

Roll with it!

We were so hopeful that we get to celebrate our wedding day with all of you this year, but with COVID-19 still a growing concern and for everyone’s safety, we are limiting our guest list to mandated numbers of people gathering so our wedding can go on.

However, we still invite you virtually to witness our joyful journey through Youtube Live Streaming with the below link :


Please RSVP here before October 1st, 2021


Send your wishes and prayers, by opening the button below

Wedding Gift

For family and friends who would like to send us gifts and wishes, please tap the button down below for further instructions :

Covid-19 Guidance

It’s important to us that everyone stays safe, please read carefully our Wedding Day Covid-19 Guidance before attending the event :

“Every love story is beautiful, but
ours is my favorite”

Thank You !

Family & Friends

With love,

Michelle & Andrew