You are cordially invited to
celebrate the Wedding of
Immanuel & Deasy
So They are no longer two but one flesh therefore
what God has joined together let no one separate
Matthew 19:6
Deasy Marcelia
Bride to be,
The Second Daughter
of Kang Cua & Sok Kheng
Immanuel Agung Nugroho
Groom to be,
The Third Son
of Permiagung & Irowati Indah Rochani
With The Upmost Love and Joy
We invite you to share this day of happiness when the two of us begin a new life together
Holy Matrimony
Saturday, 08th May 2021
10.00 AM – 11.00 AM
Pullman Bandung Grand Central
(Jasmine Junior Ballroom)
Jl. Diponegoro No.27, Bandung
Wedding Ceremony
Saturday, 08th May 2021
12.00 PM
Pullman Bandung Grand Central
(Jasmine Junior Ballroom)
Jl. Diponegoro No.27, Bandung
New Normal Guidelines
For those considering a gift
If you wish to follow with tradition and purchase a gift, a monetary gift to help us establish ourselves in our new home would be welcomed and greatly appreciated.
Bank Account : BCA
Account Number: 5140389139
Account Name: Deasy Marcelia
Qr Payment
HWD ci everlasting love together you two 🥰
Deas ! You look so pretty and beautiful! Wish you a very blissful marriage ever after ya. God Bless you
Happy Wedding Deasy, happily ever after for you and your partner!
God bless your marriage 🥰