The Wedding of
Ivan & Yunita
The Wedding of
Ivan & Yunita
26 February 2022
To ;
That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.
– Genesis 2:24 –
Ivan Wibisono Subagio A.Md
The Son of
Mr. Subagio & Mrs. Setianingsih
Yunita Wulandari S.Ak
The Daughter of
Mr. Bambang Soetikto (†) & Mrs. Yuliasih
Save The Date
“We’re all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness–and call it love–true love.”
– Robert Fulghum, True Love –
Holy Matrimony
On Saturday 26th of February, 2022
at 10:00 a.m
Best regards
Ivan & Yunita
Without reducing respect, To complete the happiness of the bride and groom, you can give a sign of love here:
A/n : Yunita Wulandari
Konfirmasi Kado di Form ini ya !, Terimakasih
Reception location
Holy Matrimony Location
Salam & Do’a
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Selamat atas pernikahan Ivan dan Yuanita.
Semoga menjadi keluarga yang rukun, harmonis, selalu saling menyayangi, sejahtera dan bahagia dalam berkat Tuhan 🙏😃
Happy wedding yunn and husband! ☺🥂
May God bless your little new family, and live happily ever after ❤❤
Send my best wishes to you both ~~
Congrats yuyun,ivan! seneng deh liat kalian akhirnya married ☺️
Jadi keluarga yang harmonis dan full of blessing from God, God bless ❤️