
Please Follow Health Protocol

In order to comply with government regulations in the prevention and spread of Covid-19, we hope that you (i) invited guests will comply with the health protocol.

The Wedding of

Rizal & Fitri

Tidak ada keraguan lagi untuk aku mencintai
Karena aku sudah tak mempunyai alasan untuk mencintaimu dengan izin Allah aku siap menikahimu”.

Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh

We raise our fingers to the presence of ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala, while reciting prayers, so that ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala guides the ark of our children’s new life

Fitri Rochmiyani

The Third Daughter of
Mr. Rumadi & Mrs. Tunut

Rizal khadai

The Third Son of
Mr. Late Warsid & Mrs. Thohiroh

Save The Date


Sunday, October 10, 2021


10:00 s/d 11:00 WIB

Mudi Balewarga Panjangsari Baru, 03/10, Parakan Temanggung, Jawa Tengah, 56254

Wedding reception

Sunday, October 10, 2021


11:00 s/d 17:00 WIB

Mudi Balewarga Panjangsari Baru, 03/10, Parakan Temanggung, Jawa Tengah, 56254

Online Gifts

For family and friends who would like to send us gifts and wishes, please tap the button below for further instructions:










Confirm Your Presence Here

It is an honor and happiness for us if you are willing to attend to give prayers and blessings to our children.

We thank you for your presence and blessing.

Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Best regards

Rizal & Fitri