The Wedding of

To : Mr. /Mrs. /Ms.

We apologize for any misspelling of Name/Title

The Wedding of

Wiyogo & Fiona

Monday, 29th January 2024

Love starts as a feeling,
But to continue is a choice;
And I find myself choosing you
More and more every day.”
— Justin Wetch

Wiyogo Atmodarminto

Son of
Mr. Risdiyanto Tio & Mrs. Christina Nova Utama
(Bun Hua & To Lie In)

Fiona Felicia Omar

Daughter of
Mr. Sukarman Omar & Mrs. Lidien Junus

Save The Date

Together with our parents, We request the honor of your presence at our wedding reception

Holy Matrimony

27th January 2024


12:00 PM

Vihara Sinar Buddha (BLIA)



29th January 2024


07:00 PM

Grand Aston City Hall Medan

Mahogany Grand Ballroom

Harap Patuhi Protokol Kesehatan

Dalam rangka mematuhi peraturan pemerintah untuk pencegahan serta penyebaran Covid-19, kami berharap kepada Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/I tamu undangan untuk mematuhi protokol kesehatan


Merupakan suatu kebahagiaan bagi kami apabila Bapak/Ibu Saudara berkenan untuk menyaksikan dan memberikan do’a restu kepada kedua mempelai melalui siaran langsung (Live Streaming) prosesi Pemberkatan pada;
pukul 10:00-12:00 WIB

Wedding Gift

Without reducing respect, to complete the couple’s happiness, you can give a token of love here:










Please Confirm Your Attendance Here

It is an honor and happiness for us if you are willing to be present to give prayers and blessings to our son and daughter.

For your presence and blessings, Mr/Mrs/Ms, we would like to thank you

Thank You

Wiyogo & Fiona